Nursery care is provided for infants and toddlers aged 0-3 during our Shabbat services.
Children enjoy playtime and stories during the entirety of the service or whatever portion of time you require this care.
You may drop off your children as early as 15 minutes before service begins or at any time during the worship or sermon. Please come pick them up immediately following the service.
We do have a call system in place to notify parents in case of emergency. A call number is assigned to our members with children. Visitors will be given their own number for the day of their visit, upon drop off.
Snacks will be available for toddlers. If you do not want your child to have a snack, please let the nursery volunteer know. Please refrain from bringing outside toys or snacks into the nursery. We are happy to accommodate for food allergies; ask your nursery volunteer!
For the health and wellness of our children and volunteers, we kindly ask that you consider the following guidelines regarding sick children. Please do not bring your child if he or she:
- Has had a fever within the last 24 hours.
- Has diarrhea
- Has vomited in the last 24 hours.
- Has an infected runny nose (green mucus).
- Has rashes.